
This allegedly funny picture illustrates in a good way what is so destructive and evil about collectivist ideologies like communism. And since I myself have no sense of style or fashion, I'm not talking about their dressing habits. Instead this image illustrates how a controlled market like that of a planned economy is too inert to anticipate and supply the goods that people want. And what's worse, it cannot even supply the goods that people need. It's not only the most inefficient way of running the marketplace, it has no motivation whatsoever to do better. And as always, it's the individual who suffers in the collective... like this communist representative who has not been able to get hold of enough efficient sun screen.

Postat av: LMKT

You dit it again! Dag efter dag servar du oss rakt ut i verkligheten med samma elegans! Jag erkänner att jag hade glömt hur djävlig Vladde kan te sig i visst motljus. Tänk om historien istället gett honom Alfons Åberg-look! Eller om Gunilla Bergström (Fred över hennes konstnärliga frihet!) varit demonisk nog att teckna Alfons som Lenin? Då kunde detta varit en reklam som fått vilsna socialliberaler o vindrivna dokusåpasjälar att hitta ett bo under vänsterns skyddande vingar. O då hade vi varit i hamn - för det är väl ingen som vågat revoltera med att slå i sig Maud Olofsson om ingen velat prova Leijonborg?

2007-05-02 @ 09:04:51

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